Global Capabilities
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Hirata offers reliable production systems based on our enhanced integrated services ranging from development to installation, run-off, and start-up support, and maintenance service support.
Hirata’s services are designed to be completely integrated and include R&D solution proposals, design, component manufacturing, assembly, inspection, and testing, installation, run-off, and start-up support, and maintenance service support. These in-house capabilities ensure quick and stable delivery of high quality and low cost products on a timely basis.
Unique Proposals
Development/ Proposals
System Engineering
Process Engineering
Solution Review & Optimization
Concrete Proposals
Machine Design
Control Design
Software Design
Realizing performance, cost, quality, safety and production efficiency
We make an effort to develop production systems jointly with customers from a total system perspective, which includes management of customer requirements, components, process sequence, operability proposals, reviewing and checking stability, risk analyses, and production efficiency.
ACS is a good example. This is what Hirata proposes as a system concept, and we have a record of high reliability in actual performance, especially in the automotive-related production business.
The ACS is Hirata’s unique production engineering system concept. It is an assembly line system of highly standardized modules, allowing for great reliability and cost performance in a short time.
Equipment and parts used of at each operation of the manufacturing process are standardized and integrated into standardized modules.
Each module is equipped with a range of functions adaptable to different manufacturing processes.
Stable product quality and a minimization of equipment failure are assured through standardization.
- Accelerates prodcution start-up by shortening the time to install and qualify equipment.
- Simplifies the assembly line by standardizing parts to reduce space and ease maintenance.
- Shortens the assembly line and reduces in-process inventory.
- Adapts readily to product changes or future assembly line changes.
- Supports changing production output by modifying equipment quantity or layout.
In-house Component Manufacturing
Machine Components
Control Boards
Wire Harnesses
Ensuring high-reliability through the assembly of in-house manufacturing components
In-house Assembly
Trial Run
Inspection & Testing
Realization of a short delivery time
On-site Installation & Testing
Enhancing the reliability of our products and realizing a low cost and short delivery time
We provide services with high and stable quality through our integrated systems that completely handle processes from just one component to installation, run-off, and start-up.
Furthermore, we achieve a low cost and short delivery time utilizing our in-house manufacturing equipment.
Our engineers have global experience in a wide variety of fields and products and deep knowledge of production technology and sites. They are now playing an important role as system integrators covering multiple systems and manufactures and are receiving a high reputation for their work.

Machine Tool
- 5-face machining center
- CNC multi-tasking machine
- High-performance machining center
- Laser cutter
- Horizontal grinding machine
- Wire-cut electric discharge machine
- NC press
- Die-casting press, etc

Other Equipment
- Precision measuring machine
- Large-scale baking painting facility
- Clean rooms, etc.
Experienced On-Site Support
Practical Training & Suport
Global and hospitable support
Hirata has established its headquarters and 6 domestic production facilities in Japan and 10 subsidiaries abroad. We provide on-site support to customers from an overall perspective, such as practical training, maintenance, and updates tailored to production sites in various countries.